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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Back Yard Critters

I thought I would try something different and shoot these in doors except the fly, they are so much easier to photograph up close out side at night, they do not fly away, you can shine a flash light on them for focusing and it wont bother them.

Some close up/Macro Photography

I found this three spotted jumping spider in my laundry room and thought he would be cool to photograph.I used a dvd and placed her on it. These spiders have a really bright green color on the chelicerae, and I was surprised to get almost the same green on the disk in the upper right corner.
The funnel web grass spider I found on the side of my garage.

     This shot above I used a 55-200mm lens with a 50mm 1.7 lens    

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