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Windsor,Ontario Canada

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Toronto Zoo

Toronto Zoo was awesome! We decided to leave Friday night (October 8), sleep in a motel with a good nights sleep and be at the zoo first thing in the morning. We spent both Saturday and Sunday there. I had pulled a muscle in my upper back a few weeks before and it was still really bothering me and was worried I would not last long carying a 500mm lens, tripod and a flash on a flash bracket and I use a battery pack for my flash. It all ads up in weight, especially when your walking all day, so that's why I wanted two full days, And I ended up doing pretty good with Nick carying the rest of my gear, so I had a great time. Even with two days I did not cover everything I wanted, There is over 16,000 animals including invertebrates and fish. I did get most of the animals I planned, except for one and it is the one shot I have a place on my wall for, I have wanted a photo of a Mandrill for a very long time. I love the colors on the face of these baboons and a portrait would have been pretty cool but, the african rainforest pavilion was closed for renovations so I did not even get to see one. I plan to go to the zoo every year now so I will eventually get that shot.
I'll post a few photos a day, so far I have edited 16 shots but I'm not sure how many I'll post yet.
I hope you like them, this was my first time at a Zoo.

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