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Windsor,Ontario Canada

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For the past 23 years I have had photography. A place to escape, a reason to drive for endless hours, looking for subjects to shoot.
There where times I would leave a few hours before sunset and not return home until the following day, sometimes around noon. I would first photograph sunsets, then it would already be time for night photography, one of my favorite times to shoot. The insect world is amazing at night, not to mention how peaceful. I still use my old film cameras. I would use a small flashlight for focusing, secured to my 383 sunpak flash set on manual, allowing me to use an aperture of f22. In close up work the smaller the aperture, the better. I would hold camera in one hand and flash in the other, being so used to it I would know the distance from flash to subject without thinking about it, and I would shoot all night. Then before the sun would rise I would head to somewhere I would remember, somewhere I had driven by and made a mental note to what could be. I always think about what the light at different times of the day would look like on a landscape I had seen during the mid hours of the day, when the sun is directly above and everything looks flat.

200 ISO. Fujicolor Superia negative film.
1/60 sec. f/22.

I took this shot around 2004.
Minolta x700,Minolta MD 35-70mm 3.5 macro lens.
3x teleconverter.
I used 2 Bowens studio lights. The background
was a sheet of high quality black velvet, see below photo.

I have spent most of my life with photography, in some way. The last few years I have not been doing as much shooting as I would like, but yet I am still doing something that involves it,like working on images in photoshop. I still have not scanned all the images I have as they are in boxes stored away. Years of photos and every image I scan it takes awhile before I am satisfied with the results,I have five, that I can think of right at this very moment,that I could be working on. I search through photos and scan the best I can find then I'll take a few weeks to work on them. I still have images in my mind I have not even taken yet, of places I've been or even still shots at home. It's just a matter of setting it up or driving at the right time of day to an area of interest. I think we all have that problem with our every day lives, through work and family, and don't forget our computers. Today I spend most of my time with my laptop,my window to the world, I even have a laptop stand in my car. I have a hard time leaving home without it.

Minolta x700, 560mm 5.6 novaflex lens w/ 3x teleconverter.
Manfotto tripod.
200 ISO. Fujicolor Superia negative film.

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