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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Back Yard Photography

I thought I would post a couple more pics of the song birds in my back yard. I seen this young sparrow feeding from it's Mother near the feeder just outside the bay window, about 20 minutes later it flew over to a perch which was only a foot and a half off the ground and fell asleep. So I had to catch that shot as the sun was setting, about 15 minutes after that it flew over to the bird bath, which I refill every day, and I got it drinking the water. One thing I found strange was just after I took the photo of it drinking the mother kept perching next to the chick and would fly into the chick as it would fly a few feet away and then perch again in the same spot and do it again. I'm guessing the mother was afraid of the chick falling in and was trying to push it away from the water, although it's not deep at all the chick has only been flying for a few days now, maybe the mother was just being a mother and keeping it from all harm.

Peregrine Falcons

We made a visit to the Falcons on the ambassador Bridge a few weeks ago. I only got a few shots but I was lucky to catch them feeding. All four falcons were doing well that night on July 3, two adults and two chicks, although I have read since then, on the Canadian Peregrine Foundation ( Windsor- Ambassador Bridge) by Dennis Patrick, Site Co-ordinator CPF, whom we had the pleasure to meet last year at the Hawk Festival (Holiday Beach) that the female chick Named; Lady Gaga had to be put to rest July 11, 2011. She had a fractured leg and after surgery to repair the leg they also found fractures in both wings, which were beyond repair.
It was sad to read this when only about a week before we were watching them fly around. Now there are three Falcons.
If you want to keep updated on the Falcons, the page above have daily posts givin by Dennis Patrick and his wife Gwen.


                                              My Niece Lori  (Low Key Photograph)
                                          Amhersburg Sunset
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