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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Japanese Beetle

I know this is a pest to any gardener but they are colorful and make a cool photo, I have wild grape vines all along the very back fence of my yard and when ever I see something interesting I grab the camera. I love the small details of some of these insects that I find.


Self Composite

Had a day off from work and decided to do a self portrait, set up all my lighting my camera then dressed myself ( yep it's possible ), then in photoshop. Took about 4 hours from start to finish. Now I want to do more.

Close Photography

I have been taking more insect pics, that time of year is here. Please understand that i really do not have the time right now to be giving the names of all these little creatures. The research is endless, and to I.D. every insect a 100% just takes so long, so are a few of what i have taken so far.

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