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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.


Welp, got that itch again, really bad too!, just had to do another selfie shot. Thought I'd do it gangster style this time. Actually I was going to do a Sherlock Holmes sorta pic but I didn't have a magnifying glass. I used a 5 foot octabox for fill, a 5 foot by 12 inch stripbox with grid just for the highlights on the gun and a light with orange gel and snoot for the color cast on my face so it looks as if the lantern was glowing on my face and also it kinda back/side lit the smoke, I so love this photography stuff. 


Japanese Beetle

I know this is a pest to any gardener but they are colorful and make a cool photo, I have wild grape vines all along the very back fence of my yard and when ever I see something interesting I grab the camera. I love the small details of some of these insects that I find.


Self Composite

Had a day off from work and decided to do a self portrait, set up all my lighting my camera then dressed myself ( yep it's possible ), then in photoshop. Took about 4 hours from start to finish. Now I want to do more.

Close Photography

I have been taking more insect pics, that time of year is here. Please understand that i really do not have the time right now to be giving the names of all these little creatures. The research is endless, and to I.D. every insect a 100% just takes so long, so are a few of what i have taken so far.

Green Stink Bug

Seen this little guy in my backyard, had to take a pic. Green stink bug nymphs are very colorful and 
this one was the size of a ladybug, I love the colors.


Sometimes I feel I have climbed a long way, but only to find myself stuck in a spot I can't get down from. So I keep climbing......

Finger Printing Supplies

I thought I'd play around with this idea. Since i have not done much in a while. I have had these
finger printing tools for years and I found them in my garage last week, always thought they would 
make a cool and unusual prop. So I added some texture and film grain, used a sepia filter. I think it looks pretty cool.  

A few weeks ago i did this shoot with Bree. She had not approved any of the photos until now. So now that they are these are the three we agreed on. The shoot took about one hour, it was fairly a quick shoot. I really was just thinking about the image of her against the wall which took only a couple of minutes, so i did the others with a little set up and decided to do more another time, something completely different.

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