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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Abandoned House

Well, We went on Sunday Nov 16, 2014 and they were just Harvesting the corn field now, the farmer was further back in the field so the corn was still up around the house. It makes a big difference with the field as it blocks out whats behind the house and it surrounds the house completely. So that was so close. We got there around 5:00 in the evening and it had started snowing half way there so it was getting pretty dark out and my exposure for this pic was 1.6 sec f8 and 100 iso. So I consider this a lucky one in many ways and the hour and a half drive was worth it. The vegetation had all died away and the house is more visible and looks so much more interesting as I knew it would. I like this shot and will make a nice fine art print. Already know what wall it's going on. 


The Babies New Arrival

Michele decided to have the baby for the weekend. I don't do baby photography anymore but wanted to do this idea. I have a few more ideas that i want to try so I have to plan them. So for now all i did was this shot.

Malinois shepherd's

These are our babies, and I've been needing to take a photo before Titan got any bigger.Putting both dogs together in a photo show actual size of the puppy compared to brandy and before you know it it's to late, they grow so fast.

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