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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Help save our big cats of the world

If you love any of the big cats throughout the world, you may want to help them. There are only five tiger subspecies left and are endangered. Only a century ago there were 100,000 wild tigers, yet today approximately 3,200 exist.

National Geographic is making a difference with the large cats of the world, You can help these beautiful animals by donating and being someone who makes the difference in their lives by visiting this link here "Cause an uproar". and for more info on what is going on with them.

Here is a photo I love that I took September 2010 at the Toronto zoo,Toronto Ontario Canada.
This tiger was just loving the warm sun as it stretched out on the grass, It seemed as if it did not have a worry in the world, living happy. This is what I like to see, happy healthy animals!

The Red Panda

I thought I would post a few more photos of this red panda I took at Toronto Zoo late last year 2010 , I will post more of other animals soon. 
As we were walking up to the red panda display there was one of them in a tree that caught our eyes, as we watched, it climbed down and came over to us. There was a large paper bag with the zoo logo on it laying on the grass, the panda started to play with this bag rolling on it's back and it actually looked as if it was laughing while playing. If you go to older posts you can see the photo I took were it looks like it is laughing while on it's back. I could not believe how playful and entertaining this little guy was as I took these photos.

Landscapes of Hillman Marsh

This place is beautiful, with lake Erie on one side and only about 40 feet across there is Hillman Marsh on the other side. It's located a few miles north of Point Pelee National park Leamington, Ontario.



Thought I'd try something different. I went out in my back yard early the other morning, the sun was rising and had to find something to photograph.

Insect Hunting

Well I've been doing more insect hunting and this is what I've found, I found all these in my back yard.

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