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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Deer Hunting

I found out that the area out near Morton Terminal, some call it Brighton Beach, Dog Patch, or even Yawkey Bush. It will be no more, after around August 2011. The new bridge Project will be starting soon. So I have decided to take advantage of the area, before it is gone.
Now before I continue, I'd like to mention, if anyone plans to visit the area, there are security all over this area and the city of Windsor has hired them to keep people out of the prohibited areas. There are signs stating it is private Property. Or you can even ask security where not to enter, they are more than willing to give any information you could need about the area, just ask.
Now I'm starting to go there as often as possible during the evening when the sun will be setting, It is the most populated area of deer that I know closest to Windsor, one Guard had said they counted 23 deer one day and every time I drive down Broadway I can see them grazing. So I want to take advantage of this large deer population and photograph them, so far I have gotten a few photos but they are not what I'm looking for yet, so I'm going to enjoy this as much as possible trying to get that photograph until this area is gone. I did hear that the deer and wildlife will be relocated but I don't know when, where or buy who, so I don't want to give any false info.If I do hear of anything I will let you know here in newer posts.
Here are a couple photos so far.

Michele's Shot

One day I had come home from work and I was sitting on the couch, Michele was watching the birds landing on the new perches we had just put in the yard the weekend before. I was tired, the lighting outside was dull and I new I would have plenty of opportunities when I was rested and able to enjoy it better.
The camera was already sitting in the window and set up, so she asked what to do so I explained what to turn on and how to focus, I usually use manual focus, I like to focus on the eyes. She had pre focused on the perch and within a few minutes she had already taken a photograph that I think is pretty awesome, I had not even taken any shots like these yet since we had just put up the new perches a few days before. I'm still amazed because the aperture was 6.3 at 420mm and as soon as this little chipping Sparrow landed on the perch, she took the shot. 
Now when ever I do this I would use an aperture of say f8, pre focus on a branch and use a remote as not to shake the camera at all, and yes even with a tripod, there still is camera shake at close focusing, it is the number one reason if a shot is on the soft side, it is because of camera shake. She did not use a remote, she just pushed the button and most people that first learn do not realize when they press the button they shake the camera, You have to squeeze it smoothly. The optical Stabilization in this lens is pretty good though. So I have to say she passed her first wildlife photography class with flying colors,well actually perched colors.

Downy Woodpecker

Today I got a few shots of one of the Downy Woodpecker's that are always in my yard, this is the male.
I came home from work and the sun was finally out today, it was low and it back lit nicely. I always use fill flash, just enough to add a catch light in the eyes and it brings out detail in the feathers. I love to watch these birds especially if I smear some suet in the cracks of trees or perches, I can set up my shots pretty close this way. 

Wildlife Habitat

Well, I've started to create a wildlife habitat in my back yard. Since we have a double lot and I love the size of it. It will be a slow process since I work full time but I have already planted a few small snags (dead trees) for perches and have started to take some photos of song birds. This summer I will be focusing on song birds mostly. I thought I would post a few pics now. These are just basic shots, but this summer I hope to get some really good ones.
We have had four feeders and a suet feeder in the back yard since last September and we have kept them full the whole time, I cannot believe how much these birds can eat, but once you start you cannot stop because they rely on this food through the winter My goal is to attract as many species as possible and so far we have got close to 20 different species of bird. 
So it will be a bit of work but I love wildlife, it has always been my favorite with photography and how much it relaxes me to sit out in the middle of it especially in your very own yard.

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