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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Lea the Terminator

Thought I would try my hand at drawing a little and turn Lea (daughter in-law) into a terminator, she  liked it, and I don't ever post pics of people if they don't like them, so tell me what you think?

The Grandkids

A few weeks back the kids were over and as they played in the backyard I thought I would take a couple of photos. I used to do this kind of photography back in the 90's with my Sisters kids, using natural light with fill flash of course. But as the clouds move quickly the exposure changes quite a lot. I still think I am not to bad at it. I always use manual settings and kids can be pretty quick.


New Puppy

Ahhh,alright,sure,why not! Are the words that came out of my mouth when Michele said she so really wanted a new puppy. Boy what a hand full. So I've taken a few photos of our new family member Titan and some together with Brandy and Titan.

Waterfalls,Creeks and Streams

Through the end of this summer 2014 we went to Hamilton area to photograph waterfalls. With Hamilton being the number one capital of waterfalls we thought we would dedicate a few of our weekends to waterfalls. We stayed in Burlington and did not even make it into Hamilton, as there are so many and some are difficult to find. A few had very little water so are not very impressive. Spring time would be the proper time to visit theses waterfalls, after the snow melts. These are the few we got to visit this year.

Talbot Trail

On our way home from Port Colborne we took Talbot Trail #3. I had to get pics of the old abandoned Guyitt house, the vegatation was heavy in front and you could not see the lower windows on the right side. I think I will be going back there soon cause i would like a shot of this house without the large bush in front but with the corn field still there. I think the corn ads so much to the photo as the house sits in the middle of the field. It will be a short time frame as to get a photo without any leaves and still yet a corn field, the corn will be gone soon as it is still drying and should be at about 15% moisture content to be ready for harvesting. So usually around November, so I have a few weeks yet. The house used to be a red brick house and now all that remains is the wood stucture. It has three chimneys and the ground level has windows all across the front. One thing about these old houses is they all have something unique about them like the stacked double windows on the left side still has the carvings in the window frame. I love this old house.

                            This is a crop from the photo above

Balls Falls

We went to Port Colborne for Thanks Giving to visit family and had a great time. We headed up to Jordan Ont. to Balls Falls Conservation Area to take photos of the Upper and Lower Balls Falls. Many people were asking if the Lower falls were worth the hike and I think they are as the water comes out from the wall of the cliff and you don't see the source of the water and where it's coming from. You can walk along flat rock above the falls safely and there is no water, it all runs below the rocks. The sun was very bright and made photography a challenge but I think the photos came out ok.


Fanshawe Pioneer Village

fanshawe 1812 - The Invasion of Upper Canada

This was cool, actually this was extremely cool. I did not know what to expect and with the weather in London Ont. we did not stay long. We did not get any photos of the actual reenactment of the battle, it was cold and it kept raining but, as you walk around everyone is living as they did in 1812. Clothes, tents, furnishings. Even the way they eat, they cook over a fire and for theses two days live in their tents. The coolest thing is everywhere you look there is a photo just waiting to be captured and i just love the realness of this.              I'm really hoping I get to this place next year, now knowing what to expect and if there's better weather, get all of the photos I would like. I never knew of this place and Matt a friend of Michele's at her work, told us about this. Matt has been doing this since the mid 80's and is one of the Soldiers. Matt gave us a tour and explained why they were doing the things we came across as we walked through the village. Matthew Drouillard is the one on the left in this first photo and Miles Whitney, Matts friend is on the right as a six Nations Native, Thanks guys, Michele and I had a great time.

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