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Windsor,Ontario Canada

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I acually took this photo around the year 1999. It was when I was married and I remember I had this idea in my head for a while. I was sitting around bored that day and it hit me that I should try that photo idea since I had the whole day and it was cold and miserable outside. I was trying to figure out how to set up this shot since there were no door ways with a wall in front of it, so I went into the bed room and took off the door and I was carrying it into the garage, I remember the look on my wife's face as I walked by her and she was on the phone. I always get these crazy ideas and start destroying a whole room just to get a photo the way I want it. So I set it up in the garage, the door, lights, and I had to use a background because I still did not have a wall that looked right. When I finished the set up I went in and asked my wife (ex wife now!!!) if she could strip her clothes off and come out in the garage, now she was really confused , of course I explained and so she did, and I did not want any clothes so to actually see the shape and not have any loose clothing that could show up in the shadow.This image was taken with Ilford film and the original, I had made an 11x14 print and hand colored it with photo dye. This image here I did in Photoshop and I was able to fix a few other things that I could not get exactly the way I wanted, so now I really like this image.

Wind Turbines, Essex County, Harrow/Colchester area, April 2010.

Windsor Ontario, Ouellette Ave. overpass, April 2010.

Sunday Drive

Sunday ended up being a beautiful day (April 11,2010.). I had a few things I had to do, but then after I said To my girlfriend Michele, "Lets go for a drive!" So we went home and both Nick and Michele gathered a few things and I grabbed all my photo gear. We headed south as far as we could go and then east. We found this place I had never been before called The John R. Homestead Conservation Area. Thought this place was pretty cool, although it was closed, it's still open to the public, I just could not ask questions as I like to do when I take photos. It was probably better as there where only two couples there then they left, and I only waited for a few minutes for them walk out of my view finder. I took quite a few photos, I love the old look of the 1800's. After that we went east as the sun was getting low I thought if I was to find anything else to photograph it would have to be soon so we went to Holiday beach, of course also closed but we just parked and I walked in. Michele wanted to stay in the car and read her book, Nick took Brandy our dog and went the other way as I walked towards the nearest water. I had to find my way through a wooded area with no trail but found water within a quarter mile. I did not see to much as the sun went down quickly. After about a half hour I decided to turn back. I thought i should look myself over for ticks and found one on my pant leg, then when I got back to the car I looked again, didn't find anymore but as we were driving one ended up on my arm some how. So I jumped in the shower as soon as I got home, I still haven't got any bug spray but it's the next thing on my list. I thought I'd ad some photos here, all are from the John R. Homestead Conservation Area.

Sony a230, Sony 18-70mm lens Nick and Brandy on the John R. Homestead Lakeshore Boardwalk.
I love that "painted" look. I know I use it to often.

I also got a photo of a Female Redwinged Black Bird,
so I thought I would ad a photo of her mate also, not the best male photo but It's all I could get, unless I chased him all over the property. As you can see he wasn't happy with my being there, the nest was only eight feet off the ground. I do not like to stress any wildlife, so I took this shot and stopped!

a230 Minolta 100-400mm Lens
Both Photos


Those Annoying Ticks

Top 3 Photos: Sony a230, Minolta 100-400mm
4.5-6.7 APO Lens

Deer Tick or Black Legged Tick and Dog Tick
I took these photos a couple of weeks ago on Easter weekend. I went out to Brighton beach area, Broadway st. West of highway 18, and North of Black Oak Heritage Park. And West of what I call Old Sandwich St. I was there for about 2 hours looking for the deer that I always see down there.
I went to the same area again today Saturday April 10, both times around 6:00pm. I didn't find much today though, but I did come home with a couple of little pests both times, theses pests are called  Ticks. I was lucky as I did not get bit.
The first time I was going to bed and found that one on my chest. The second time earlier today, I was aware now and as soon as I got home I sat down and felt the little bugger crawling up my leg, I was sitting on the couch and my knees were bent and it was crawling on my knee, were my pants were tight at the knees.They can crawl through the tightest areas. When I felt it I pulled up my pant leg and grabbed the tick and put him in a jar. I went into the washroom and stripped down and checked every were.
I used to live there in that exact area off of Broadway on Reed st. for a couple of years and never found a tick on me, now I go out there twice and both times find a tick on me.
So I thought I would warn any one who was thinking of going out there or people that go there. There is a dog park there on Broadway many people go to. So if you do, I would be careful with your dogs as they also can get Lime disease from ticks.
I myself will start using 100% Deet bug spray and is the best thing that can be done, I like to spray my clothes well and rub some on my skin and hair using my hands and spraying my hands only. As soon as I get home and know I won't return to any fields or wooded areas I take a shower and wash it off.
Be careful with using Deet bug sprays on children, read the directions, I've read that prolonged use can be harmful especially in young children and pregnant and lactating women.
I took a photo of the Tick. It was about the size of a match head, see below.
It wasn't easy taking this guys picture as he would not stay still. This one is a male dog tick.

Click for larger Photo

Top 2 Photos: Sony a230, 18-70mm Lens
I took this photo on Sat, April 10. Where dirt bike trails bend through this whole area. Ticks live among the taller grass.
I love the way the late afternoon light falls on these trees and the road as it bends around to the left and behind the trees. Early Spring vegetation brings a mystical look to it's colors.

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