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Windsor,Ontario Canada

There are over 200 photos posted here so far. To view more photos click older post near the bottom of each page.

Last Summer 2010

I thought I would post a few pics from last summer (below) that I liked and played with in photoshop.
John and John playing pool in my uncles basement in London,On.
Toronto,On. When we went to the zoo. This was the one corner of the room of the motel we stayed at, I love all the different patterns in this small area.

This is our dog Brandy, I thought I would add the tear drop(photoshop), cause she looked so sad in this shot.
Nick pumping gas
The Canadian Harvard Aerobatic Team. This flying tribute to the veterans of World War II has been flying for many years with decades of experience behind them.


I know it's been awhile since I've posted any pics. Winter is not my time of year, although it can produce amazing photos, if your willing to wander out in the cold to get them.So I did a few times. I had to have some photos to show for this winter.
I usually visualize the shots I like to get and then go for it, so I'm not out long. 90% of the time I get what I visualize, but it depends on how I feel, if I'm getting cold I find myself rushing, and I get sloppy,so I like to do it quickly. What I mean by quickly is that It"s done with confidence without stopping, I get out of the car and with my camera already on a tripod ready to go, I take it out of the trunk, I meter, compose, then take my shots. The reason my camera goes back in the trunk is because I like the cars interior nice and warm and that's bad for a cold camera and will form condensation, then even worse is to take your camera back out again and it will all freeze up with ice on it, so I keep it in the trunk were it is cool. I enjoy summer because I like to take my time. I can relax and enjoy all that is around me and wait for it. Winter on the other hand is more uncomfortable for me but that's not to say I don't ever do it, I'm just saying I don't do it often and there's why I have not posted much.
So here are a few shots I got so far this winter.


Kingsville, On. Lake Erie.

Icicles, My back window on the second floor.
Amherstburg,On. Snowmobile trails outside the fence of some farm land.
Amhersburg,On. Lake Erie.
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